Hey! ^^
Not so much to write, again, but found some old pictures.
Some time ago on one Saturday I went to Wuppertal. At first seemed like a normal city, until I saw a thing called Schwebebahn. It's an railway system, but instead of being a normal one and move along the railtracks, it chooses to float about ~12m high from river called Wupper.
It's one of a kind in the world. First it was planned to be sold to Berlin, but it wasnt success. So they bought it in Wuppertal and on 1st March 1901, this "train" made it's first drive. Schwebebahn is also known as the safest transport in the world. Just imagine, this railway is nearly 113 years old and only one accident has caused death of 5 people. Just 5 deaths in 113 years (worker forgot to change tracks..so train just fell 12m down from the tracks).
And a little bit funny story about Schwebebahnt. In 21st July 1950 was this city visited by circus Althoff. They had a young elephant Tuffi, with whom they decided to go and make a little trip with the train. Poor thing got so scared by the noise and vibrations, that it ran through one side of the train and fell down into river. Lucky everything went good and elephant was not hurt. Today, they have graffiti of elephant near the river on the wall, where it jumped out (So people who know the story, know what happened).
So, that was.
On Friday I go for 1 week to Wolfsburg to my Middle Year Seminar. Sucks that I didn't get the theme I wanted..so now I will have "Tehnick and design". Something new, won't hurt me I guess. I think design part will be fun and of course it will be fun to be with "same" people (yfu people) I'm sure I will have thigns to write when I'm back.^^
And explanation to the part of the title with "Happy".
I think that most of you know Pharrell Williams' song "Happy". It seems to be going viral in the internet and people are making music video covers from it. Of course my city will take part aswel! So today we met at Town Hall and made out version of the video. As soon video is out, I will post it here aswel.
Meanwhile, here is a little summary of what happened and few pictures, even I'm lost on some of them: http://www.noz.de/lokales/meppen/artikel/454480/videodreh-zu-happy-vor-dem-meppener-rathaus
And since we talked about Wuppertal.. here you go, Wuppertal "Happy":
Have a nice week and keep HAPPY!