Saturday, January 25, 2014



20 days? Time goes by fast

I dont remeber writing about new years

I spent my New Years in Twist by Lea :D I was able to try Germans NYs cooking "Raclette":
So shortly: top is for meat
Bottom: vegetables + cheese
Then you wait, eat it all together.. and just YUMMMY!

After midnight we went outside with alchohol bottles, since here is some tradition.. that after new years is here, you go outside from "door to door" and take a shot with everyone, brings you luck. It was,... fun :D :D :D


But new time now.

Nothing new really. School is on again and like in Estonia.. I have strong feelings about NOT going there at all....

Got 11points, grade 2, for my 4h Arts test, im happy :3

Had to make some "presentation" over Poland, with another girl, because we are going there with class, as i have mentioned before.

In History little presentation over Singing Revulution and The Baltic Way:

Tomorrow is YFU meeting in Osnabrück! Mariah (exchangestudnet from America) comes with me, so at least I know someone :D

Yesterday, 25.01, I went swimming with Johanna. First time I visited this swimminghall. Not bad, not so many people, so enugh room. Jumping into water from 3-4m :D One pipe? Enough to get bruises. Sauna? Well that was ridiculous :D I think it was max 50-60C

What else?

 Ran outside in my socks :D and played around a bit :D

Enjoy January as long it last!

Sunday, January 5, 2014



Short post again!

My host-dad's .. sort of .. childhood friend came for a visit with his family. So we spent some days together and one part was going to the Zoo!

Wolves were beautiful! Sad that they have to spend their life in that small cage tho :(

And that was!

Have fun going back to school ! (haha)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Kaelakee :3

Lets do it short! :D

Break started on 20th Dec.. and i can't believe it, but next Monday.. back to school :(

But whats good. So we had Christmas, 10C warm. First "black" Christmas for me, ever :D I don't really have pictures of any presents, but I write what I got:

blouse, New Year's concert ticket, gloves what can be used on your smartphone, New Yorker gift card, necklace (from Czech), "Elias" CD, a heart shaped box where I can put stuff in, little aroma pillow, hot water bad (?), money, jewellery set, giftcard for bookshop, sweets..

I am sure there was something more, but I forget easily :D

On right is our lovely Christmas tree:D

On Christmas Eve we went to church with family. After that we had dinner and opened presents. On Christmas Day we went out for lunch and well, there was a lot to eat:

Should mention there was also soup and salad before this and some dessert after!

On 3rd day of Christmas didn't really do anything. But if I am correct, I did my gingerbread house:

Anyways on 27th we went to Kassel, for Christmas, to visit my host-mom's parents :)

On Saturday I saw this adorable thing in Kassel on shop windows (and also, all of them were moving and doing their chores):

Also hang around with Hanna, exchange student from Estonia. At first it was very funny and complicated to speak in Estonian, but in so 2h we did quite well :D And our so called "shopping" was more like walking through the store chatting :D

Also visited her in her home, she lives near the city of Kassel, so landscape was amazing! (28.Dec):

On evning, when I was back home, we went with family to one show what was really awesome!

Everything started around 7pm and lasted until 10pm (1h was for eating). Had everything. Few pictures also (didnt take so many, because would have missed a good show for bad pictures)

A bit more:

Left me, on right in white my host-mom, in green her sis

Host-Grandmother and me

Enjoy what's left of the break!

And also