A little bit of my camp in Sögel. This was the building we spent our days:
But before that a little bit about how wrong can one day go and first misunderstandings. First of all I didn't get any information paper about camp and on leaving day I found out bus goes at 16:45 not 7:45. This time, 7:45, was even confirmed by one person working in school, who even didn't know what was going on. Same person said everything is organized and I can be in same room with the girl I talked to, but turns out it wasn't. Until arriving I had no idea with who I will be in same room. But well, gotta have fun :D
I day:
As we arrived, I found out I'm in same room with girl named Johanna. From mos of the rooms we had the biggest room with our own bathroom. Most of the people were jealous. I blended into her friends circle and met two more awesome girls Anna-Lena and Maike. We went into same workshops and were in same homegroup.
In homegroup I met other 11th grade students, who i havent seen before. Was teased a little bit by being called: "Hello woman from Finland", guys found it very funny when i had to say: Estland! They stopped on third day evning with that :D In total camp lasted for 4 days. 1st day to get there. 2nd and 3rd day for workshops. 4th day goodbye day.
Funny thing that happened was when one guy said randomly: I have a girlfriend
My automatic answer: Gongratulations
Everyone started to laugh and me also, because i understood how it sounded like.
II day:
Waking up at 7:45, they played some music in corridor. I was in bed until 8:10 since Johanna occupied bathroom, so I had no point to get up. 8:30 eating, bröchens, what else. I decided to go for cereal and youghurt, too bad no one told me its not sweet one. good thing we had some cacao powder on table.
9:30 we had our first workshop: Zukunft (Future)
Didn't understand much, everything went so fast! When there was a longer discussion I lost my following sense completly.. on those moments I thought how good idea it was to sleep long in the night or i'd pass out here.
On free time we went to city of Sögel and I have to say it, they have something with colored animals:
We also took some pics of ourselves:
Anna-Lena, Maike, me |
Anna-Lena, Maike, Johanna |
Kiwi ice cream |
Nothing special. I was in workshop: Tod (Death). Didn't enjoy it so much, too religious. Funniest part was when we were given some papers to read what other religions think that happen after we die .. and how all the people in that workshop laughed over their beliefs.
One part of workshop was to answer some questions. We had 20-30mins, so we went for a walk and discovered this place:
IV päev:
Up in the morning, cleaning rooms, breakfast, goodbyes and home.
Whole camp,